The Hocking Descendants Society
Why Become A Member?
• To become part of the greater Hocking family
• To learn more about your Hocking ancestors
• Create an opportunity to meet other Hocking family members
• Eligible to receive a USB PDF report of your direct family tree
• Receive a HDS Certificate recording details of your earliest ancestors
Receive our e-newsletter HOCKING FAMILY CONNECTIONS Newsletter– a link to the past and a bridge to our future.
• Published 3 times a year; March – July – November
• Featuring articles about our Cornish heritage and customs, as well as stories, photos etc, submitted by HDS members, thus providing a vital means of communication between HDS members.
All members are encouraged and invited to contribute to the HOCKING FAMILY CONNECTIONS Newsletter.
Send any articles/photos you would like published to [email protected]
Deadline for submissions:
• 15 February, 15 June and 15 October EACH YEAR.
Join Us
We invite you to join the HOCKING DESCENDANTS SOCIETY (HDS), in promoting the exchange of information among family members and to stimulate interest in the history and traditions of those who have a connection or concern for Cornwall.
Membership is open to all who have a connection to the Hocking family name either by birth, marriage or ancestry, irrespective of its spelling.
Cornish ancestry is not required.
Who is eligible to become a member:
Any person who supports the purposes of the Society and pays the prescribed subscription fee.
You don’t have to have a Hocking surname to become a member of the HDS, just a Hocking connection in your ancestral line.
Application for membership:
(1) To apply to become a member of the Society, a person must submit a written application to a Committee Member (the Treasurer), stating that the person
(a) wishes to become a member of the Society; and
(b) supports the purposes of the Society; and
(c) agrees to comply with these Rules
(2) The Application –
(a) must be signed by the applicant; and
(b) may be accompanied by the joining fee
Consideration of application:
After your membership application has been received and approved by the Committee, you will be notified.
The Research Director will contact you for further family information.
Current Fees
New Membership – $30 AUD
All memberships cease on the 30th June each year
Annual Renewal Fee: $25 AUD 1st July each year
Includes e-newsletter 3 times a year
USB Report of your Family Tree (Current members only) *$35 – $50 AUD
Includes cost of the USB Stick, postal pack and postage within Australia, and a small fee towards research costs
* Dependant on amount of research required
For international USB Report, please contact the Research Director for postage estimate
Payment Options
Further details of how to pay fees are included on the Membership Application & Renewal Forms
Option 1: EFT Transfer
Option 2: Cheque
Option 3: International Members: PayPal with XOOM
Contact [email protected] for detailed instructions on paying for your Membership.
Membership Application Form
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of The Hocking Descendants Society Inc.
Please print out the Members Application Form and complete the information as requested and most importantly – the form must be signed before submitting. Please return the signed form (as an attachment) by scanned return email to [email protected] or by post, as detailed on the form.
After your membership has been approved, the Research Director, will contact you to discuss your family tree in detail and work with you towards achieving your goals.