The Hocking Descendants Society Inc.
Welcome to the Hocking Descendants Society website
About Us
The Hocking Descendants Society Inc. (HDS) is governed by a Constitution, that determines the rules under which it legally operates as a non-profit incorporated society.
The Hocking Descendants Society Inc. (HDS) was founded on 22 May 1988, by a group of interested persons who were researching the family name of HOCKING, and is run entirely by volunteers who give generously of their time and goodwill, to provide a service to help connect family members and assist in their Hocking family research.
Our society is open to all who have a connection to the Hocking family name, either by birth, marriage or ancestry, irrespective of its spelling.
Variant surname spellings include: Huychen, Horkin/Horken, Hackin, Hawkin(s) / Hawken(s), Hocken(s) / Hockin(s) and Hocking(s).
Australia is the base of the HOCKING DESCENDANTS SOCIETY INC. (HDS) with branches encircling the globe, united in research and interest. From Cornwall, England, Canada, United States of America, New Zealand and Australia, members continue to search for family links to share with their ” new found cousins.”
Registered Organisation No: A0023053V
President: Denise Phillips
Vice President: Neville Guthberlet
Secretary: Stephen Hocking
Treasurer: Helen Brooks
Committee Members: David Hocking, Sue Murrant, Lyn Smith
Statement of Purpose
The purposes for which the Society was established are:
a. To maintain a Society of those interested in the origin, history and development of the various branches of the Hocking family
b. To hold meetings at places of special interest
c. To promote the conservation of documents, artifacts, monuments and other material of special significance to the various branches of the Hocking family and its descendants
d. To foster the genealogical study of history of the various branches of the Hocking family with the intention of sponsoring the publication of definitive research where this is appropriate
e. To compile and circulate a regular newsletter dealing with matters of topical interest and current genealogical and historical research into the various branches of the Hocking family
Thank you for visiting our website, we look forward to helping you with your Hocking family history.